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Angie Lowe

Our country’s Veterans fought for their country. Now, Angie Thompson, a Disability Benefits Attorney with the Jan Dils Law Firm, believes it is her turn to fight for them. A member of the Jan Dils legal team since 2009, Angie Lowe helps Veterans obtain disability benefits, providing sound legal advice, skilled representation and, often, some needed encouragement.

“What amazes me is how complex and complicated the Veterans’ Administration claims process can be, and that can be frustrating for veterans, who have done so much for their country and now have to fight tooth-and-nail to get the benefits they rightfully deserve,” Angie said.

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“We offer the motivation not to give up, and the experience to obtain the results our clients deserve. At Jan Dils, we explain the whole process and provide a guiding hand to help veterans through it.”

Angie is a Pittsburgh native – and a diehard Steelers, Pirates and Penguins fan – who received her undergraduate degree in political science from Westminster College. Angie attended law school at the Duquesne University School of Law in Pittsburgh, where she completed an internship with the Women’s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh. She graduated in 2008.

Angie Lowe, who has Veterans Administration accreditation, said representing veterans in disability claims has been a natural fit, allowing her to use her experience, knowledge and insight to address each client’s needs and concerns.

“I enjoyed working at the women’s shelter in Pittsburgh, and when I moved to Charleston, I was looking for a similar area where I would really believe in the people and really want to help them, and that’s what I’ve found here,” she said.

When Angie isn’t working to get positive results for her clients, you can find her hiking in a nearby nature area with her two dogs, Lincoln and Limerick. She also likes to read.Her favorite book doesn’t have a legal topic, but it inspires her work all the same. “It’s The Count of Monte Cristo,” she said. “The main character takes the initiative, takes matters into his own hands, and is truly fearless. I like that. It reminds me of the Veterans that the Jan Dils’ team fights for every day. I wouldn’t give it up for anything. This country owes our Veterans a debt of gratitude for fighting for our freedom, and the least I can do is fight for them.”

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Jan Dils


  • Westminster College (B.A., 2004);
  • Duquesne University School of Law (J.D., 2008)


  • West Virginia Bar Association, National Organization of Veterans’ Advocates, National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives.
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Fight 4 Vets

Our country’s Veterans fought for their country. Now, Angie Thompson, a Disability Benefits Attorney with the Jan Dils Law Firm, believes it is her turn to fight for them. A member of the Jan Dils legal team since 2009, Angie Lowe helps Veterans obtain disability benefits, providing sound legal advice, skilled representation and, often, some needed encouragement.

“What amazes me is how complex and complicated the Veterans’ Administration claims process can be, and that can be frustrating for veterans, who have done so much for their country and now have to fight tooth-and-nail to get the benefits they rightfully deserve,” Angie said.

Jan Dils Attorneys at Law

1108 3rd Ave

Huntington WV  25701

Phone : (877) 589-2809
Fight 4 Vets