This week, the VA is celebrating a record low disability claims figure. On their VAntage Blog, they announced that the number has reached 98,535, down from its all-time high 611,000 claims in March 2013.
VA authorities believe this decrease is the result of setting an average 125-day processing goal in 2009 along with the implementation of the Transformation Plan in 2011, setting in motion a series of personnel changes, reconfigured processes and technology initiatives that improved the backlog.
The blog post discusses how VA employees, 53 percent of whom are veterans themselves, took a vested interest in improving the quality of care within the agency. Here are some figures that support their efforts:
If you have questions about applying for veterans’ disability benefits or appealing the denial of your claim, we encourage you to contact our office immediately to find out how we can help. We offer 100% free initial meetings, either by phone or at one of our five West Virginia offices — in Parkersburg, Charleston, Logan, Huntington or Beckley — and Charlotte, NC.
You can call us toll free at 877-526-3455 or click here to schedule your free initial consultation today.