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Website Helps Vets with PTSD Apply for Discharge Upgrade

In October, we posted about a new directive by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel for veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with other than honorable discharges. The Defense Secretary urged veterans to submit their medical documentation for consideration of a discharge upgrade.

Now there’s a new website that will help veterans do just that.  The Army Review Boards Agency (ARBA) has created a guide for veterans with answers to frequently asked questions, an online application for discharge upgrade and pages of helpful related information.

According to the website, their target audience includes “veterans whose characterization of discharge was under other than honorable conditions and who assert that they suffered PTSD or related conditions that they believe mitigated the misconduct that led to the discharge. This memorandum focuses on those veterans who served before PTSD was a recognized diagnosis; however, the guidance will be applied to all veterans.”

It’s estimated that one-third of the 250,000 Vietnam Veterans issued other than honorable discharges may have suffered from PTSD. Having a blank slate will help many of these individuals restore difficult pieces of their past and perhaps become eligible for certain veterans’ benefits for which the circumstances of their discharge previously rendered them ineligible.

If your other than honorable discharge has recently been upgraded, you may now be eligible for Veterans Disability benefits. For help navigating your claim, schedule a free initial consultation with the expert Veterans Disability Lawyers of Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law, by calling toll-free 1-877-Veteran 877-526-3455“>(877-526-3455) or by filling out our online form. We will fight for the benefits you deserve.

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