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Operation Transportation

MOV Transit’s Brian Schroeder on Operation Transportation’s Impact

Supporting our community is a priority for us here at Jan Dils. One of the ways in which we try to do that is by contributing to Operation Transportation, a program that, through Mid-Ohio Valley Transit, provides free bus passes to eligible veterans each month. Every year, Jan Dils hosts a spaghetti dinner, and the proceeds benefit the program. We had the opportunity to catch up with Brian Schroeder, TAMS and procurement officer at MOV Transit, who spearheads the program.

Jan Dils: Could you give us a little background about Operation Transportation? When was it started?

Brian Schroeder: We started working with Operation Transportation in Dec of 2016. A representative at Jan Dils got in touch with the Knights of Columbus to host a spaghetti dinner fundraiser. The benefit dinners help us a lot. The last one in December raised around 1,500 dollars. And Jan Dils donated another 2,500 dollars to the Operation Transportation cause in May.

JD: How many vets does it serve in the area each year?

BS: Since the end of July, we’ve provided 23,226 rides. We’ve sold 879 passes since the beginning of the program, and 29 since July. We give out around 25-35 new passes a month, and there are more people every month who are renewing their passes.

JD: What would you say is the value of the program?

BS: For the people who use it, it’s invaluable. It’s a way for them to get where they need to go. It helps them if they’re going to the doctor, going shopping, going to the VA clinic here in town. It’s very beneficial for them.

JD: What kind of feedback have you received from people who participate?

BS: I’ve had people whose cars have broken down and they’ve told me it was their only option. And for some people it’s the only way they can get around.

JD: What’s the best way for our readers to learn more?

BS: Call us [at 304-422-4100] and ask for someone in charge of Veterans Passes. I’m usually the person those calls go to.

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