VA Calculator

Can I Hire an Attorney for a VA Claim?

Since the VA began granting benefits to disabled Veterans as early as 1917, thousands of Veterans have worked towards getting the benefits they deserve. Many Veterans and their loved ones feel that after fighting for our country, they’ve been fighting for their benefits all alone. Fortunately, there is a help.

Many Veterans have relied on their local Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) for aid with their cases. These include Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), AMVETS, and the list goes on. In fact, the VA can supply a Veteran with a list of recognized VSOs for representation when filing for benefits (form 21-0790).

In 2007, the VA allowed attorneys to represent Veterans earlier in the process. Instead of waiting for adenial and filing an appeal known as a Notice of Disagreement (NOD), attorneys could counsel Veterans on their initial application. Not only did Veterans have access to these accredited representatives who could appear with them at hearings, they were also able to receive help when they needed it most.

At Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law, we represent Veterans at every level. Our attorneys will work alongside you from the initial application process to appeals to hearings. Please call our office at 1-877-526-3457 where our staff will help you navigate the VA system. Or use our online contact form.


Fight 4 Vets